
A FuzeHub Solutions Forum is a half-day, matchmaker-style event, where leaders of manufacturing and product development organizations meet directly with hand-picked business and technology experts in one-on-one consultations. This is not a business mixer or a networking event, but instead gives attendees a chance to learn the expertise and programs offered by our many Resources.

> Fuzehub’s Solutions Forums are designed for leaders of manufacturing and product development organizations to meet directly with a select group of business and technology experts in one-on-one consultations, to help find solutions to their business and manufacturing challenges, and to learn about opportunities for growth.

> Attendees meet with our hand-picked Resources on a first-come, first-served basis during this matchmaking-style event. Resources include experts from the New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership, economic development organizations, entrepreneurial assistance programs, university research centers, and other NYSTAR-funded programs.

The event is free, but meeting slots are limited, so please request to attend early if you have strategic responsibility for the development and manufacturing of your product, and want to learn about available expertise and opportunities for growth.

Solutions Forum for NYS Manufacturers July 11, 2017 • Saratoga Springs, NY


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