We honestly live in one of the best towns in america. A BIG shout out to The GPD and the Town for hosting this informative event.
The whole “Not in my town” is now a thing of the past. Years ago we moved to towns that we looked to be “safe” to raise our families. Cute small towns, off the map. I remember the days when I would walk right into the elementary school , no ID no locked doors and drop off a forgotten lunch. NO MORE of that:(
Today the world is so different. So many sad events that effected so many lives…so many lost …for no real reason.
Now EDUCATE! You , your children, your family, your co workers !
My son and I attended the event and walked away with a plan. A PLAN on how we can stay safe and keep others around us safe.
AVOID the situation…if you can run then RUN! Know your exits.
DENY…. deny them access to you. If you can not run away and avoid…DENY them! Block doors , shut lights off , make a barricade. If you cant stop them make them have to work harder to get to you.
DEFEND Fight it out! If you cant get away FIGHT. This is not a fair fight…its your life or theirs.

Make a plan for where you work. Be aware of your exits …. and how you can get away.
I know more then I did , I am more aware and so is my son. We hope we will never need to use this but have knowledge behind us.
I also find comfort in the people in the room. We now have 50 more people in our town aware what they need to do if they are in a active shooter situation. We hope that at least one of us would be around to help those in a situation.
Thank you for the super informative presentation!!!!

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