Urgent Message from the Director of the Guilderland Food Pantry, Sue Hennessy:

The pantry is presently very low on food and we foresee a busy summer ahead. We are reaching out to all businesses, individuals, and organizations to give us a hand. Would you consider having a food drive at your location? We are in need of the following items:  canned fruit, canned veggies, and canned meats, rice, prepared pasta dinners, Dinty Moore beef stew, soups, canned ravioli and chili, snacks, juice, condiments, coffee, tea, paper towels, laundry detergent, toilet paper. 
If you can find it in your heart to arrange a food drive for us please call Sue Hennessy at 930-1001 to schedule a time. We can help you run your drive and pick up the food when you are finished. Thank you for considering the food insecure in your town!
Download Flyer Here 
Also, the Guilderland Chamber has a collection box in the downstairs “lobby” of our location in Star Plaza (2050 Western Ave, Guilderland) for anyone who would like to drop off their food donations here! 
Thanks in advance for your support and generosity!